Monday, August 27, 2012

Beavers At Carnegie Lake

Thanks to Melinda Varian, who sent these photos taken by her husband, Lee. Some beavers go searching for breakfast, while others have breakfast thrust upon them, as when this oak tree fell into Carnegie Lake.

Here is Melinda's description of the encounters:

"As Lee and I were doing our pre-breakfast walk along the DandR towpath this morning, Lee spotted a beaver gnawing on a tree in the water. It was content to let us watch for quite a while before it finally swam off to its lodge. We could hear the gnawing quite plainly. We went back another morning with a better camera and found two beavers gnawing on the fallen tree. As soon as Lee began photographing, one splashed its tail on the water and yelped a warning, which caused the other to depart, but the big one stayed and calmly chowed down on the delicious wood."

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