In honor of 11.11.11--a uniquely unique, highly vertical day--some Princeton trees of note, in no particular order:
The brilliant red maples at Princeton Shopping Center in a photo taken today, with Fothergilla shrubs adding orange in the foreground;
A clock tower looking very one-ish today next to the trees;
A photo my daughter took beneath a red oak in the backyard;
A descendant of the famous Mercer Oak at the Princeton Battlefield;
A 15/16th native chestnut planted at Princeton Battlefield in front of the Clark House;
A hican behind Clark House, showing the change in bark where a pecan/hickory hybrid was grafted to a hickory base.
Another red maple, planted by a couple in honor of their newborn son at Potts Park in the borough, positioned to shade the play equipment in future years;
And in memorium, a photo sent to me by Eric Tazelaar, of the old, old white oak near the driveway to Mountain Lakes House, before it was blown down this year during Hurricane Irene (see Oct. 28 post).
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