By the time we saw the supermoon last night, it had risen well beyond the horizon. My older daughter wasn't impressed. "I've seen it bigger," she texted. Au contraire, mon fille. The last time the moon was this big was before our time, in 1948.
Don't ask me why the moon would want to venture closer to the earth, and thus look bigger, given all that's going on here. I'd recommend that all heavenly bodies keep their distance, lest we decide to export our brand of planetary stewardship.
The moon made a fine backdrop for scrutinizing the twigs and acorns of a pin oak,
and the leaves of a red oak in the front yard.
That's Quercus rubra to botany types, with hints of Batman.
The neighbor's spruce tree got in the act.
This shot managed to capture some of the texture of the moon's surface along with a few scraggly pin oak leaves.
Given a preoccupation with earthbound interests, this is one of the few times I've pointed my camera skyward, in contrast to my father, who as an astronomer spent much of his time photographing the universe, and then developing the images in a darkroom in the basement of Yerkes Observatory. The school librarian back then made this lamp, with images captured by the observatory's famous 40" refracting telescope.
The moon will be pretty super tonight, too, if the clouds hold off.
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