Time to paint the town red
(with black gum leaves). Probably a sugar maple in orange on the right.
A thornless variety of honey locust keeps yellow in the game.
This brilliant red winged euonymus (burning bush), is the same species that has spread into Princeton's woodlands, where the shade diminishes its color to pink, or even ghostly white, in the fall.
A picturesque patch of poison ivy growing safely away from foot traffic, beneath evergreens where the Westminster Choir College grounds extend down to Hamilton Ave.
Winged euonymus can turn a rich orange or burgundy.
Enjoy the ashes while they're still around. The mix of purple and yellow hues on a whole tree can seem almost to pulsate.
Lots of variety in ash leaf color.
Hard to know why the top half of this maple on Aiken Ave. would turn long before the bottom. A tree across the street may have been shading the lower half, delaying its shift to fall color.
Each leaf on a redbud or spicebush can have its own schedule.
The big bluestem grasses planted at our new native meadow at Smoyer Park look to be a midwestern variety. In the midwest, the prairie grasses can turn such brilliant colors that they appear to be on fire, mimicking the prairie fires that help them to prosper. Local members of the same species are much more muted, for some reason.
Woodgrass, actually a sedge, ornaments a constructed wetland.
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